
By @lucasdicioccio, 379 words, 1 code snippets, 5 links, 0images.

project site, source code, and reporting issues

You’ll find the source code of KitchenSink on GitHub at the following repository:

Please also use GitHub on the same project to file issues.

As of date, there are no discussion channels such as a Discord or Slack instance. Please reach-out directly to me via email or on Twitter (cf. social links at the bottom of this page).

repository organization

Much like the title tells, the code is a kitchen sink at the moment. It is still unclear what will make good boundaries. However what is clear is that we want two keep the following: Haskell for the blog engine, and PureScript for frontend “helper JS tools”.

Both the engine code, the frontend helpers code, and the KitchenSink documentation (this site) sources are in a same repository out of simplicity: a feature can be added and documented in a same commit.

code organization and basic concepts

At this point, the code grew mostly organically and suffers from arbitrary choices. As we implement new features, the need to rework and modularize some aspects will show up.

For sure what will stay are:

  • the section-based format is a central way to add functionalities, we may parametrize the Parser to be extensible
  • the notion of a Site has something loaded using some IO parametrized by the engine
  • the notion of Target to hold instruction to build some content with a destination path
  • the fact that layouts are function from Site to Target, possibly in multiple ‘stages’ (or a fixpoint as it is now)

Things I would like to improve significantly:

  • possibility to modularize the section-based parser and the layout function
  • where we load the Site from in the engine (should be feasible to load Sites without resorting to the section-based parser – i.e., proper decoupling)
  • settle on some JSON format for advanced analytics rather than the current ad-hoc historical values

library curation philosophy

The libraries we incorporate are “standard Haskell”. In particular we only want to bring-in libraries that do not force callers to operate for long in complicated Monad stacks. Rather we want to incorporate functionalities and wrap them to our suiting. In short, avoid situations where one has to add code to remove features.

generating most of PureScript bindings directly from Haskell

The purs/ directory contains a package named kitchen-sink-compat. A number of sources files in this package are automatically generated from Haskell using purescript-bridge and a fork of the argonaut-aeson-generic PureScript package.

To regenerate the bindings use:

cabal run -- kitchen-sink-purescript-bridge --outputDir ../purs/kitchen-sink-compat/src/